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Gdansk, Poland

Weather: 20-22 °C, cooler in the evenings

Timing: last week of August

spent there a week and has some time to visit nearby locations, like Sopot, Gdynia, Malbork Castle

Gdansk is famous for its beautiful Old Town, which features medieval and Renaissance architecture. The most recognizable landmark is the Gothic-style Basilica of St. Mary, the largest brick church in the world on which roof you can climb to see the city view.

Another significant historical site in Gdansk is the Westerplatte Peninsula, where World War II has started. Today, there is a memorial and a museum.

The city is also known for its amber jewelry, as the Baltic Sea coastline is a rich source of amber, often referred to as “Baltic gold.”

In recent years, Gdansk has experienced significant development and modernization. Its port continues to be a crucial economic hub, and the city has become a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors with its historical charm and coastal location.

Elektryczna Street (ulica Elektryczna) is a well-known street located in Gdansk and situated a bit further from downtown, but very worth visiting if you like something ‘different’.

It basically has the use of older factory buildings, turned into open space, offering drinks, food court, places to just sit and hangout with people.

Very recommended to visit when in need for chill time.